KiDs Beach Club® (KBC) is an organization on a mission to make Jesus cool at school. KBC has developed a process for empowering the local church to take the Bible into public schools via engaging, after-school clubs that serve the most impressionable among us. KiDs Beach Club® desires to provide every 3rd through 6th grade boy and girl a Jesus experience within their culture. We are connecting kids to Christ and putting Bibles in their hands.
What We Do
KiDs Beach Club® is a multi-dimensional ministry that serves as a bridge between churches and schools.
Every element of KiDs Beach Club® fosters positive relationships and establishes ongoing partnerships between churches and schools to benefit the whole community.
We believe the preteen years are key years in spiritual development. And we know most kids may never enter the doors of a church.
So, Beach Club takes the truth of God’s word where kids are – the neighborhood public school.